SS Acute Holdings (Pty) Ltd, company registration number 2013/040491/07 (the company), is an SMME business. The company is a 100% black owned company; and is owner managed by its Directors, Mr Ikgomotseng Solomon Mattaka and Ms Tshegofatso Lucy Morometsi.
The company has entered the market as a fuel wholesaling/brokering enterprise and as market demand and market share of the company increases, the company will in turn invest further into storage and logistics facilities.
We aim at all times to provide and maintain a professional service to our clients and at all times and a commitment to the Charter. The company is to build a reputable customer service and partner with companies that have a history of delivering excellent services and have capable management teams who embrace transformation and empowerment.
We do logistics (Road transport), transportation of mining commodities and have the opportunity to deliver coal, Maize for the time we have been operating. Clients include Afgri , Malawk logistics, etc. We are doing employee transportation we have been operating the Kathu route to Hotazel. Current client include 4 Arrows Mining.
To be the leading commodity trader among the best in the world and trusted licensed wholesale fuel distributor in the region, delivering exceptional value, reliability, and innovation to our partners and customers while fostering sustainable growth and development in the energy sector
Our mission is to provide high-quality commodities and fuel products with unparalleled service and expertise. We are committed to enhancing our clients’ operational efficiency through timely delivery, competitive pricing, and robust supply chain solutions. By leveraging our industry knowledge and fostering strong relationships, we aim to contribute positively to the communities we serve and drive forward the standards of the commodity trading and fuel distribution sectors.
Quality & competitive service
Compliance & Excellence
Ikgomotseng Solomon Mattaka
founder and managing director
Ikgomotseng Solomon Mattaka, is the founder and managing director of SS Acute Holdings (Pty) Ltd. He holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Other qualifications that he holds include Project Management, Middle Management, and Finance for Non-Financial Managers. During his years of employment, he worked as a trainee technician, technician, supervisor, certification engineer, electrical designer, and technical manager. Companies that he worked for include the following; Tellumat Defence South (Pty) Ltd; South African Civil Aviation Authority and Denel Land Systems.
Tshegofatso Morometsi
Meet another director at SS Acute Holdings, Tshegofatso has degrees in BSc Mathematics & Statistical Science and BSc (Hons) Statistical Science. She excellent conflict nmanagement skills, pays attention to details and also a great team player. She a lot of valuables skills as a director including programming skills in languages like Rstudio, Matlab, SAS, SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner.